High Hopes ... Patrick's latest inspirational book
Small changes can transform our lives.
Patrick's publishing company, Lime Tree Books, has released his latest inspirational title, High Hopes, available nationally through book and gift stores and through BrumbySunstate.
It's the fifth in his It's Never Too Late series of inspirational books and continues his theme of aiming to provide a way for readers to put their lives on pause so they can find some perspective.
"Most of us race through life, unable to enjoy the present because we’re weighed down by the past or worried about the future," Patrick says. "High Hopes offers insights that will allow you to slow the daily rush and enjoy your life, moment by moment.
"High Hopes prompts us to lift our spirits by simplifying our lives, embracing our humanity, sparking our imaginations and inspiring ourselves and those around us."
High Hopes contains simple suggestions, supported by quotes of timeless wisdom, which give readers a chance to break out of their busy lives and lift their spirits.
Each page reminds us that we have the power to take control of our lives, to gather mindful moments, to listen to our heart’s whispers and to bestow kindness freely.
“The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.”
High Hopes gently helps us to examine where we’ve come from and to decide where we want to head. It offers thoughts that create surprising ripple effects in our lives, allowing us to make the small changes that can transform our futures.
As with all of Patrick Lindsay’s inspirational books, High Hopes shows that it’s never too late to live the life we’ve always dreamed of or to be the person we’ve always wanted to be.
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”